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How to develop a basic Linux plugin

In this tutorial it will be shown how to develop a basic plugin that collects the list of root users on a Linux machine. It can be considered as a guideline to create additional plugins for Linux.

1. Scaffolding

The first steps consists of creating the structure of the plugin based on the sample plugin already made available. The plugin name will be linux_root so the command to be executed is the following:

user@master-node:~/rusthunter$ cp -r app/src/plugins/sample app/src/plugins/linux/root

The plugin folder contains the file which provides the plugin logic:

user@master-node:~/rusthunter$ ls -al app/src/plugins/linux/root

2. Customization

The file app/src/plugins/linux/root/ must be properly customized to collect the desired data on the target machine.

  1. Replace all the occurrencies of the struct name SamplePlugin with LinuxRoot. It can be easily done via the command:
user@master-node:~/rusthunter$ sed -i 's/SamplePlugin/LinuxRoot/g' app/src/plugins/linux/root/
  1. Replace the plugin name sample_plugin with linux_root (Line 10).

  2. Replace the plugin description Sample description with Local root users (Line 14).

  3. Replace the plugin operating system OS::Unknown with OS::Linux (Line 18).

  4. Replace the plugin command sample command with cat /etc/passwd | grep :0: | cut -d : -f 1 | sort (Line 22).

  5. Replace Ok(()) (Line 30) with the correct output processing function. Since the output of the command will be a simple list the needed function is self._split_list(output).

Finally, the code should be this:

use serde_json::Value;

use crate::config::Config;
use crate::plugins::{Plugin, OS};

pub struct LinuxRoot {}

impl Plugin for LinuxRoot {
    fn name(&self) -> &str {

    fn description(&self) -> &str {
        &"Local root users"

    fn os(&self) -> OS {

    fn run(&self, _config: &Config, _binary_directory: &str) -> Result<Value, String> {
        let command = "cat /etc/passwd | grep :0: | cut -d : -f 1 | sort";
        match self.execute_command(&command) {
            Ok(output) => self.process(&output),
            Err(e) => Err(e),

    fn process(&self, output: &str) -> Result<Value, String> {

impl LinuxRoot {
    pub fn new() -> Self {
        LinuxRoot {}

3. Unlocking

The plugin logic has been defined but the plugin must be linked to the main application logic, so:

  1. Add the line pub mod root; to the app/src/plugins/linux/ file.

  2. Update the execute method in the app/src/ file:

    • Below the comment // Import Linux plugins add the line root::LinuxRoot,
    • Below the comment // Instantiate Linux plugins add the line let linux_root = LinuxRoot::new();
    • Below the comment // Execute Linux plugins add the line &linux_root,

Finally, the code should be like the following:

} else if #[cfg(target_os = "linux")] {
use crate::plugins::linux::{
    // Import Linux plugins
    // ...
    root::LinuxRoot, // <- New module
    // ...

// Instantiate Linux plugins
let linux_users = LinuxUsers::new();
// ...
let linux_root = LinuxRoot::new(); // <- New module
// ...
let linux_tcp_listen = LinuxTCPListen::new();
let plugins: Vec<&dyn Plugin> = vec![
                                        // Execute Linux plugins
                                        // ...
                                        &linux_root, // <- New module
                                        // ...
} else if #[cfg(target_os = "macos")] {

4. Configuration

In order to enable/disable the plugin execution, it is necessary to add to the config.ini INI file the following block:

enabled = true

5. Re-building

Execute the following command to rebuild the framework (requires Docker) to include the new plugin:

user@master-node:~/rusthunter$ sudo ./ build

The Docker image peco602/rust-universal-compiler will be downloaded (it can take some time) and used to rebuild the Rust code for all the platforms.